The S.S. Chimp

About the game

This games was made as part of a 48 hour game jam under the theme "stronger together". The chimps are on a spaceship set for mars and its your job to make sure they keep the ship in working order. More chimps can be added to do more jobs, but be careful, chimps will start to misbehave if they're left alone for too long.

My work

I created the chimp controller which allowed the player to grab onto and push away from objects as the chimp floats around the spaceship. I also created locked doors which could be opened by chimps with a specific key. However these did not make it into the final game due to time constraints. There were some small polish effects which I added, such as the chimps blinking when their head impacts and object, and the fire extinguishers pulling the chimps around wildly if they grabbed onto them.